My friend Jen and I made Donna Hay Bacon and Egg Pies a while back they were delish as expected , so since then I have done a little research and come up with my own version that works a treat to suit me well.
You will need.

1 12 pan muffin tray
About 4 sheets puff pastry ( I use the reduced fat ones )
500g Middle bacon
6 big or 8 small eggs
1 small container cottage cheese (I use chive and onion)
1/2 small container philly cheese
small handfull your favorite grated cheese
small pinch or salt and large pinch of pepper
cooking spray
Preheat the over, spray the muffin tray,
Mix together the eggs, salt & pepper, all three cheese's
I use my mixing bowl on medium to blend everything well
Dice the bacon up into small 1cm strips and add to egg mix.
Using either a scone cutter or a glass about the same size as the muffin lid
Cut out 24 round pastry bases
using the first 12 place in muffin trays and add a large tablespoon scoop of egg bacon mix
Put in over when all filled and cook until golden brown checking regularly as to not burn.
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